We are living in a time in which experimentation with drugs is at an all-time high. We are living in an age of experimentation, where the age limits for that experiment is becoming younger and younger. For those in Florida, drug usage has become one of the top experiments for those between the ages of 12 and 21. In recent weeks, Florida has seen an increase in the usage of a new synthetic marijuana drug called Spice or K2, though laboratory made, synthetic marijuana is illegal. If you or a loved one have been charged with possession of Spice, it is in your best interest to contact an experienced Florida criminal law attorney to help you fight for your rights.
What is Spice and Why are People Overdosing?
In recent weeks, Florida has seen an unprecedented amount of overdoses, mostly of teenagers and young adults, caused by a synthetic marijuana called Spice or K2. Synthetic marijuana is a mixture of herbs and manmade chemicals known as cannabinoids. Most of the chemicals used in this process are labeled unsafe for human consumption, yet teenagers and young adults are experimenting with them. Spice is dangerous because you do not always know what you are getting. Recently, it was reported that more than a dozen people became sick from Spice. Six were taken to the hospital and over two dozen had to be treated by paramedics, their injuries consisting of stomach aches, vomiting, and shaking. The overdoses are related to the chemicals that are used to make synthetic marijuana and remain unsafe.
Is Spice Illegal?
It is true that Spice is difficult to regulate because the chemicals change so often and are manufactured in clandestine labs that make shipments throughout the world. Though difficult to regulate, Florida Statute Section 893.03(1)(c) makes it a First Degree Misdemeanor for possessing synthetic drugs if under three grams, and a Third Degree Felony if you possess more than three grams of synthetic marijuana. If convicted, your punishment may consist of: imprisonment up to five years; up to five years of probation; up to $5,000 fines; as well as the suspension of your license. Because of this, if you are charged with the above, it is best to seek legal representation.
Need Legal Advice?
Whether you know it by Spice, K2, or synthetic marijuana, one thing is for certain: it is dangerous and detrimental to not only your health, but also your freedom. If charged and convicted of possession with Spice, the consequences are many. It is important that if you have been charged with the possession of Spice to contact Moses & Rooth Attorneys at Law at (407) 377-0150 for an initial consultation. Let us help you strategize about the best possible outcomes for your case.