| Read Time: < 1 minute | Drug Charges

Orange County Commissioners vote on Pain Clinic Regulation

Orange County Commissioners voted to limit and regulate where new pain management clinics can open.  New pain clinics will now be restricted to industrial zoning areas.  These new restrictions were recommendations based upon Orange County’s prescription drug task force and is an attempt to limit prescription pill abuse. Clearly, prescription drug abuse is an epidemic not only in Orlando...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Criminal Justice

The Race is on…

Interesting day in 9th Circuit.  Today sitting State Attorney Lawson Lamar defended his record as the circuit’s top prosecutor against rivals Ryan Williams and Jeff Ashton. Also in attendance was Joerg Jaeger. I say “also in attendance” was Joerg Jaeger as it is clear that his sole role in this election is to support Lawson Lamar.  That support comes in...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Juvenile Offenses

Orange County Juveniles get a free pass

The Orange County State Attorneys office has finally implemented a juvenile program run by the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) allowing first time misdemeanor offenders an opportunity to avoid a criminal record.  Since July of 2011, over 5000 juveniles have entered into the DJJ civil citation program across the state of Florida.  This new civil citation program is intended for first time offenders charged with select...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Theft

Tax Identity Theft Prevalent in Florida

Much safer than dealing drugs, experts say identity theft – especially tax identity theft – has become increasingly popular in Orlando and abroad. Though it often goes untracked, those accused of identity theft in Florida face lengthy prison sentences and hefty fines. The Federal Trade Commission reports Florida is at the epicenter of the remote crime in the United...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Fourth Amendment

Mandatory Drug Testing for State Employees ruled Unconstitutional

A federal judge in Miami has ruled that the mandatory drug testing of government employees pursuant to Governor Scott’s Executive Order is unconstitutional.  You can read Judge Ungaro’s opinion here. The Judge ruled that requiring drug testing of government employees violated the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution which prohibited unreasonable searches and seizures.  Judge Ungaro wrote that “The fundamental flaw...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Drug Charges

America Celebrates Pot Day

I figured that I would not be a very good criminal defense attorney if I did not at least acknowledge the holiday that many people in this country celebrate.  Am I talking about Earth Day?  Nope.  I’m talking about Marijuana appreciation day.  For some reason, and the stories of the how this date came about are as varied as the...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

GPS Trackers are everywhere!

Ever since GPS trackers entered the retail market, law enforcement has been searching for ways to maneuver it into their criminal and drug crimes investigation arsenal. Over the years, I have had several clients inform me that they have found a mysterious device on their vehicle. After a clear inspection and even a quick Google search of the model...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | About Us Archives

Think Your Locked IPhone is Safe? Guess Again.

Police are obtaining court orders requiring Apple and Google to help bypass security passwords to enable them access to a person’s cell phone.  According to CNET police officers are using fill-in-the-blanks court orders for judge’s to sign to obtain access to a person’s cell phone. This practice is disturbing on multiple levels.  Why is Apple retaining information on an iPhone’s...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | DUI

Are Harsher DUI Penalties Around the Corner?

I do not advocate drunk driving.  It is clearly unsafe for the driver and for everyone who shares the road with the driver.  However, a POLITICO article reports that the United States Congress is trying to legislatively coerce states to require the installation of a vehicle interlock device on the cars of everyone who is convicted a driving under the...

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