| Read Time: < 1 minute | Drug Charges

What a High: Florida Man Avoids Marijuana Possession Charges

A Kissimmee man accused of lying about being robbed and assaulted during an attempted drug buy was recently taken into custody. The man told Osceola County Sheriff’s deputies that he had planned to meet with an unknown woman to make a drug deal. But when he went, the Kissimmee man said two men accosted him, taking his wallet and...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Drug Charges

Orange County Commissioners vote on Pain Clinic Regulation

Orange County Commissioners voted to limit and regulate where new pain management clinics can open.  New pain clinics will now be restricted to industrial zoning areas.  These new restrictions were recommendations based upon Orange County’s prescription drug task force and is an attempt to limit prescription pill abuse. Clearly, prescription drug abuse is an epidemic not only in Orlando...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Drug Charges

America Celebrates Pot Day

I figured that I would not be a very good criminal defense attorney if I did not at least acknowledge the holiday that many people in this country celebrate.  Am I talking about Earth Day?  Nope.  I’m talking about Marijuana appreciation day.  For some reason, and the stories of the how this date came about are as varied as the...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

GPS Trackers are everywhere!

Ever since GPS trackers entered the retail market, law enforcement has been searching for ways to maneuver it into their criminal and drug crimes investigation arsenal. Over the years, I have had several clients inform me that they have found a mysterious device on their vehicle. After a clear inspection and even a quick Google search of the model...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

U.S. Supreme Court to Consider Florida “Dog Sniff” Case

A Florida criminal law case involving a drug-sniffing dog will go before the United States Supreme Court. The rights of criminal defendants are at stake in the matter, which will determine when the sensory skills of a canine may supersede a person’s privacy expectations. Marijuana Detected by Florida Drug-Sniffing Dog The case arises from a 2006 incident in which...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Constitutionality of a Florida Drug Law Presented to Florida Supreme Court

The Florida Supreme Court heard arguments last month regarding the constitutionality of a particular state drug law. Their ultimate decision will not only impact the defendants in this specific case, but may have ramifications for countless other Florida drug crime cases. Florida Drug Law at Issue According to a federal judge in Orlando, the drug law at issue doesn’t...

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| Read Time: 2 minutes | Drug Charges

Cocaine Use Declining in Florida

After being in vogue for over 25 years, cocaine use in Florida is declining. According to a report by James N. Hall, Director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Substance Abuse at Nova Southeastern University, the number of cocaine-related overdoses and deaths in Florida has declined. Likewise, fewer people are seeking treatment for cocaine and crack...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Drug Charges

State’s Prescription Fraud database launches Today

The State of Florida prescription drug database launches today.  This database is intened to combat the increase in prescription drug crimes such as prescription fraud or doctor shopping.  In a nutshell the law now requires pharmacies and dispensing physicians to upload information into the database within seven days of filling the prescription. The database will allow doctors and pharmacists...

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| Read Time: < 1 minute | Drug Charges

Florida Prescription Drug Monitoring

Today Florida will begin monitoring your prescriptions in an effort to deterdoctor shopping and physicians from overprescribing medication.  The legislation that led to the data base has been mired in controversy.  Advocates contend that it gives law enforcement the ability to monitor “pill mills” and is necessary to combat Florida’s growing prescription pill epidemic.  Those in opposition, including Gov....

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