Solicitation to Commit Prostitution

Businessmen visiting Florida occasionally hire the company of an escort to occupy their personal time. Although they expect their interactions to remain private, these professionals may be surprised by an unwelcome prostitution arrest. Often, they are caught in a prostitution sting, by an undercover police officer posing as a prostitute or a confidential informant.

If you are alleged to have solicited a prostitute in Florida, the experienced criminal defense lawyers at Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law offer efficient and effective legal representation.

Solicitation to Commit Prostitution Defined:

Florida Statute 796.07(2)(f) states its unlawful to solicit, induce, entice, or procure another to commit prostitution, lewdness, or assignation.


Criminal Penalties for Prostitution

The penalties for prostitution related cased will depend if you are being charged as the prostitute or the customer (“John”).  While the level of the offenses may be different, it’s important to note the customer has several requirements that must be completed upon a conviction for a solicitation of prostitution related offense.  These items include attending prostitution and human trafficking awareness class, 100 hours of community service, screening for sexually transmissible diseases and pay a $5,000 fine.  

 Prostitute Customer
1st Offense2nd degree misdemeanor 1st degree misdemeanor
 the maximum penalties include: if convicted, the maximum penalties include:
 up to 60 days in jail up to 1 year in jail
 up to 6 months of supervised probationup to 1 year of supervised probation
 up to $500 fine up to $1000 fine
   REQUIREMENTS as part of sentence:
   attend prostitution and human trafficking awareness class
   100 hours of community service
   screening for sexually transmissible diseases
   $5,000 fine
 2nd Offense1st degree misdemeanor 3rd degree felony
 1 prior prostitution conviction, the maximum penalties include: if convicted with a prior prostitution conviction, the maximum penalties include:
 up to 1 year in jail up to 5 years in jail
 up to 1 year of supervised probation up to 5 years supervised probation
 up to $1000 fine up to $5,000 fine
   REQUIREMENTS as part of sentence:
   attend prostitution and human trafficking awareness class
   100 hours of community service
   screening for sexually transmissible diseases
   $5,000 fine
3rd Offense3rd degree Felony 2nd degree felony
  2 or more prior prostitution convictions, the maximum penalties include: if convicted with 2 or more prior prostitution convictions, the maximum penalties include:
 up to 5 years in jail up to 15 years in jail
 up to 5 years supervised probation up to 15 years supervised probation
 up to $5,000 fine up to $15,000 fine
   REQUIREMENTS as part of sentence:
   attend prostitution and human trafficking awareness class
   100 hours of community service
   screening for sexually transmissible diseases
   $5,000 fine


Prostitution FAQs

What Should I Do After Being Arrested for Prostitution or Solicitation?

If you were arrested for prostitution or solicitation, please remember that you are not obligated to answer questions asked by law enforcement officers or state prosecutors. At this point in time, it is in your best interests to invoke your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. 

You should contact an experienced Orlando prostitution defense attorney. Your lawyer will be able to conduct a confidential assessment of your case and help you take the proper steps to protect your rights, your privacy, and your freedom. 

Will You Go to Jail for Soliciting a Prostitute in Florida?

It is possible that you will go to jail for soliciting a prostitute. Under Florida law, a first-time solicitation charge is a serious criminal offense. It is a first-degree misdemeanor that is punishable by up to one year in prison. Still, it is important to remember that the state has the burden of proving the charge beyond a reasonable doubt. Additionally, there may be plea options available to take any prison time off the table. Contact an experienced Orlando sex crimes defense lawyer as soon as possible after being arrested. 

How Can a Prostitution/Solicitation Charge Affect My Florida Driver’s License?

Many defendants are not aware of it, but a prostitution charge or a solicitation charge actually has the potential to lead to the suspension/revocation of a Florida driver’s license. 

Under Florida Statutes § 322.26(7), state regulators are required to revoke the driving privileges of a person who uses a motor vehicle in the commission of a felony offense — potentially including lewdness, assignation, and prostitution. 

In other words, if your vehicle was used in the course of committing the alleged offense, you could potentially lose your license. If you were arrested for prostitution or solicitation while in your car or another car, be sure to talk about this issue with your attorney. 

What is Entrapment?

Many defendants charged with solicitation of prostitution may consider bringing an entrapment defense. In the most simple terms, entrapment occurs when law enforcement improperly induce (cause) a person to commit a criminal act that they would not otherwise have done.

In prostitution cases, this is defense is most often raised when accused party allegedly solicited an unlawful act from an undercover police officer or someone else directly involved in a law enforcement operation. 

While entrapment is absolutely a legitimate legal defense is Florida, it is also a complicated defense strategy. If you believe that you were the victim of entrapment, you should contact an experienced 

Orlando prostitution defense lawyer right away. 

Will I Have to Register as a Sex Offender for Prostitution in Orlando?

As a general matter, prostitution and solicitation are not crimes that require sex offender registration in Florida. Though, if a defendant has a role in encouraging a minor to engage in prostitution, in any manner, they could potentially be convicted of an offense that requires sex offender registration. If you have any specific questions or concerns about sex offender registration in Florida, contact an experienced Orlando prostitution defense lawyer for help.

Building Strong Defenses to Prostitution Charges

At Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law, we represent individuals accused of solicitation of an alleged escort, massage studio prostitution stings, solicitation of prostitution over online chat rooms, such as Craigslist, and women accused of working as prostitutes or escorts.

If you are convicted of a prostitution related offense you may face fines, jail time, mandatory STD testing and participation in an HIV awareness class. Working with an experienced criminal defense attorney, however, can help minimize the consequences of a prostitution arrest.

At our Orlando, Florida, law firm, we explore all your defense options by investigating the related facts and rules of law that might apply in your case. Sometimes entrapment is a viable defense. Often times, procedural flaws such as a failure to record the conversation, may weaken the prosecution’s case. Were your rights properly explained to you? Was your conversation taped? If so, how?

Contact us today to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney.